I believe in NATURE.
I exist on super foods, plants, and nature's remedies for decades.
I believe that my self healing auto-immune disorder and all the other health hick ups took place because I turned to Nature, to Universe for help. I am certain, I would not be here with you, beautiful people, if I took the paved and normal road that is so easily accepted by the masses.
You see, I just can not bring myself to trust the system, not before, not now, not ever.
I dont believe in the food it created for us, in its obscene amount of drugs and all those damaging chemicals that flooded our realm. I do not trust the education system, and all the lies invented by it.
I just do not believe that any kind of lie is serving anyone here.
All those low vibe (tamasic, as we call them in yoga) creations are serving them - the ones who set it all up. Not you and me, not us.
When I first was presented with a challenge - to choose Nature or Big pHarma for my healing, I was not sure about Nature, but I knew in my heart - I would rather die naturally, in a clear minded state than numbed, wiped out by drugs and lobotomized.
There was no way I was going to take pharmaceuticals to fix my whacked by vaccines Body... so I embarked upon a self-experimenting ride and dived into the ocean of natural healing available on this planet.
It was wonderful to discover this other realm - natural remedies, all kind of tinctures and drops, Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, homeopathic remedies, minerals, ancient cleansing and rejuvenating formulas, healing spices, super foods, etc. It is a truly fascinating world that has so much magic to offer.
I was in awe to find all these natural ways to address the dis-harmonies that my Body had.
A lot of modern people take pharmaceuticals believing that it is the only way to maintain balance of their Health.
Not knowing anything better - or not having someone in their life who would stand up for something rather than
Big pHarma, they fall for the trick of the system and get trapped in dependency on drugs.
It must be said though that I do not deny the value of the modern medicine at times. There are exceptions.
My own failure to cure typhus with neem oil is a proof of that.
In the last 8 years I have assisted private healing projects in many countries.
Sometimes I managed to be a good Nature Advocate and to 'deliver the message' of Nature to those ready to receive, and sometimes I did not manage it and watched how heartless system could mince a human life.
It scares the day light out of people, drugs and numbs them while sucking all their life force and money out of them... and it throws them out.
I have also witnessed numerous healing miracles where Nature has won, where courage and faith were stronger than fear and programming..
There are those who healed with raw diet and wheat grass, those who healed with CBD oil, those who healed with fasting and sun ( yours truly included), there are people transcending their disorders naturally, no matter how small or big, into total harmony and a state of well-being.
It is all done by trusting in Nature, by taking a road less traveled and so far accepted.
We all have the healing power inside, we all have a chance to unlock it!
The question is - Will We Choose It?
It seems like those of us who turn to Nature have more of a chance of self-healing than those who turn to Big pHarma.
I have not yet witnessed a successful healing that would occur on pHarmaceuticals.
Those beautiful souls I had an honor to meet and dance for a while with... are no longer among us.
As you can imagine, that observation only strengthened my trust in Nature.
Yes. Nature is on the other side of big pHarma.
It stands there quietly and lovingly, as ever in her grace.
It does not create adds to sell us her remedies.
Nature does not sell us anything, it has no agenda, and it does not blog about her medicine.
Nature does not offer any insurance, and it will not push itself on anyone.
Nature does not play mind tricks on anyone, that is the system's job.
If we are to participate in this global shift taking place now....
We have to step up our vibrational game in order to UNDERSTAND the bigger picture of the world we live in.
We need to stop allowing the stream of brainwashing into our lives.
We must learn to THINK for ourselves and make decisions that SERVE our SOUL.
We need to strive for ALIGNMENT with Universal forces.
We better strengthen our connection to the Creation itself.
Once we realize that we are not here to feed the heartless system, but to align and to expand, we begin to FEEL how EMPOWERING it is to focus on who we really are, on our Spiritual core rather than on fears and worries planted by the tricky system... that is how we become WHOLE.
We are creations of the HIGHER INTELLIGENCE, we are beings of Nature, Nature is in our cells.
Anna Suvorova
Nature Advocate.
Health/Yoga Educator. Inspirer.
Author. Dreamer of a better world for all
NICE POST @annasuvorova ,what you said in this post was absolutely correct.