anabolism rebloggedachimmertens (69)in #sketchnotes • 6 years agoachimmertens's twitter Feed : 2019/07/14 11:50:00#sketchnotes vom Gottesdienst. #Predigt zu Apostelgeschichte 4, 32-37 #deutsch #palnet #share2steem Achim Mertens Posted from Twitter via Share2Steemanabolism rebloggedcryptospa (77)in #dtube • 6 years ago🎥 Cryptocurrency Market Overview | 14.07.2019Hello dear Steemians and Dtubers! In this video I conducted a very detailed analysis of the price chart of Ethereum (ETH/USDT), applying Technical and Candlestick analysis on…anabolism rebloggedbotreporter (57)in #steemit • 6 years agoThe Daily Bidbot Summary for Yesterday 7/13/19 - Who's paying the most for Bidbots?The list below represents the 25 largest net transfers to bid-bots for the promotion of articles posted on Steemit yesterday. Due to formatting restrictions, only a few…anabolism rebloggedharkar (72)in #hiking • 6 years agoEvening stroll.Olbogfjellet, northern Norway. A couple of days a ago, my daughter, Nero and I was out on a little walk in the evening. It had been a cloudy day, and quite cold to be in…anabolism rebloggeddailyke20 (72)in #wherein • 6 years ago快餐减肥的通敌快餐减肥的通敌 就是吃披萨。在披萨店,能卖的基本上都是碳水化合物。来披萨店不吃披萨能吃什么?我们先来分析一下。 披萨本身就是一片博饼。饼本身是高筋面粉搓出来的饼皮。当时意大利佬就是为了将这个简单的“便宜”食品弄得容易吃些才扫上番茄酱,添了一些肉碎然后浦上芝士再放进烤炉里烘热来吃。…anabolism rebloggedelbrujo (59)in #dsound • 6 years ago[The journey] 'Summer' (Chapter 49 — Lo-fi vibes).Hey guys! Just a quick post for this old beat. This is "Summer", an instrumental that I was going to include on a previous project but ended up left out because I thought it…anabolism rebloggedelsaenroute (68)in #actifit • 6 years agoMy Actifit Report Card: July 12 2019Yesterday 💪🏻 Bangalore has a great weather, unpredictable one rather. It's been raining and hot these days. And it's easy to get sick in this type of weather. That is…anabolism rebloggedtrxjjbtc (58)in #pt • 6 years agoBTC/USD - ETH/USD, 12/07/2019 - Análisis técnico de la tasa de bitcoinsBTC / USD 12/07/2019 - Análisis técnico de la tasa de bitcoins Fuente de imagen Ayer por la mañana, se reanudó la presión bajista. El par rompió el borde punteado…anabolism rebloggedstregamorgana (56)in #dtube • 6 years agoLiberty PlanningOggi ti mostro il mio piano per i prossimi 12 mesi. Obiettivo è raggiungere una rendita mensile di 1500€ al mese. Se sei curioso segui il mio Reality in facebook ▶️ DTubeanabolism rebloggeddelicarola (71)in #spanish • 6 years agoLa torta para hoy.Saludos mis stemians , infinitas gracias a nuestro creador por permitirme una vez mas compartir con cada uno de ustedes, que la paz de Dios repose sobre cada uno de ustedes y sus…