Part X - "A two inch leap of faith" – Full Sail Farm ~ Trending toward Shangri-La

in #life6 years ago

“The very powerful & the very stupid have one thing in common. They don’t alter their views to fit the facts. They alter the facts to fit their views, which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering.”

~Dr. Who

Well the facts are in. We are unsustainable.

Who decided this anyway?
Within this wonderland of narratives, Maybe the facts were changed to fit someones view.

Look around you. Is this the world you would create on this beautiful planet? Do you feel just like a cog, in something turning?

“We are stardust, we are golden
We are billion-year-old carbon
And we've got to get ourselves
Back to the garden”

~Joni Mitchell

Can we have a little face to face here for a moment?

We all see the building blocks laid out for us all, the blocks that build our own confinement. Why is it that 85% of humanity thinks that putting these pre-positioned pieces together is what we are supposed to build our lives with to achieve a fulfilling and meaningful life?

You didn't dream this.
Someone else dreamed this.

Why do we just drop in and participate without asking some really pertinent questions? As children, we simply mimic just what our parents do and what their parents did. Think about this. It really does not take much of an effort to break the cycle.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe that they are free."
~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Let’s continue asking some really good questions.

Why is our existence become increasingly difficult if we don’t follow the prescribed path set forth for us? In this prescribed world, insanity becomes normal, Stress becomes calm and life becomes death. The greater good becomes a beacon of darkness, signaling to all the dangers of exploring the very thought of demarcation.

How dare you define your own walls.

Your cage might just be a tad larger than you have ever dreamed.

Who’s “New Order of the Ages.”

The very idea of Full Sail Farm was spawned from the age old knowledge that something that transcends greatness always comes from mankind's escape from subjugation and not from the goal of enslaving mankind. The tyrants oppression of the people tends to fire up the liberty gene within our chromosomes. It’s a built in safeguard. Think back into our history. The standing up to Roman invasion, The Magna Carta, The American Revolution.

“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.”

~Benjamin Franklin.

And I will add to the above, “The American Revolution’s Self-government “Republic” is the evolution of the Greek’s democracy. None of our founders wanted a democracy. “Mob Rule” is just another term for this flawed form of government. Enemies of our founding documents are enemies of liberty and enemies of humanity. When something better comes along, that will mean that we will have raised our consciousness to a level where government is no longer needed.

When we can all learn about ourselves; our human proclivity to do the wrong thing in mass and then truly understand why we are so easily controlled, then we can start to learn how to overcome this flaw. It’s really quite simple, but once we grasp this, we must hold the knowledge close forever. Repeating the stampeding over the cliffs edge holds no esteem. One day soon we will get that concept.

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.“
~Mahatma Gandhi

What changes at the gate

Full Sail Farm’s very conceptual existence redefines and nullifies the herd mentality. Human interaction evolved and entrained in the excitement of interactive growth, unity community consciousness, living and acting without fear, with full support for everyone’s efforts for everyone's well being.

What a beautiful world this would be.

This is the environment where the change can manifest greatness. It does not take a farm, it does not take a village. It requires a change in the way we all think.

It is high time we changed our minds…. don’t you think?
