aguzsrz (30)in #good-karma • 7 years agoThe delicious goat curry. The goat curry is so delicious with a spice seasoning typical of Aceh. So delicious when served when still hot.aguzsrz (30)in #myteem • 7 years agoUntukmu ibuIbu engkalauh plita dalam hidupku. Engkau terangi hari hariku dengan kasih lembut mu. Engkau tegur aku dengan nada merdu mu. Engkau menjadi pengingat disetiap langakahku.…aguzsrz (30)in #good-karma • 7 years agoBeliefs and expectationsSomething that looks close but turns away. Something that we think is nothing but real. So is my belief in God. I am so sure of him and will gain pleasure over his pleasure.aguzsrz (30)in #kulinernusantara • 7 years agoThe delicious grilled chickenThis culinary is often found in many restaurants that provide chicken menu. But every restaurant has its own rasaya aspirations when we eat its delicious chicken menu this one.aguzsrz (30)in #good-karma • 7 years agoThe beauty of my natureThe beauty of nature is not because of the tall trees but because people are aware of keeping the nature is clean and well groomed.aguzsrz (30)in #good-karma • 7 years agoRise to successNo need to regret what happened. The deeper the regrets the worse the suffering is. Get up and get up right away, a bright tomorrow is still waiting for you. Where there is a…aguzsrz (30)in #mysteem • 7 years agoTraditions or customs during marriage and marriage in AcehCustoms and traditions d every region in Indonesia is different, because Indonesia has many tribes, different cultures are different. One of Aceh which is known to be thick…aguzsrz (30)in #goodkarma • 7 years agoWarga Tangkap Buaya Sepanjang 5 Meter Dengan Berat 1 Ton di Aceh TimurIDI - Warga Dusun Alur Serdang, Gampong Teupin Breuh, Kecamatan Simpang Ulim, dibantu warga Gampong Lhok Seutang, Kecamatan Julok, Aceh Timur, menangkap seekor buaya dari Kuala…aguzsrz (30)in #lifestory • 7 years agoThe struggle to studyBe grateful for the life we live in today. See them to gain knowledge requires struggle, determination and danger. As if life is not required to reach the place of studying.…aguzsrz (30)in #steemitboard • 7 years agoAir terjun Pria laot Weh Island Sabang, Indonesia.Air terjun satu ini bisa d bilang tersmbunyi, butuh kenekatan untuk mencapai air tejun ini, yang terdapat di Pria Laot Weh Island Sabang indonesia. Pesona alam yang indah dan…aguzsrz (30)in #good-karma • 7 years agoData BPBD, 11 Bangunan di Pidie Rusak Akibat GempaPidie – Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Kabupaten Pidie sedang bekerja mengumpulkan data kerusakan yang timbul akibat gempa berkekuatan 5,3 SR yang terjadi pada Kamis…aguzsrz (30)in #nanggroe • 7 years agoGempa di Aceh Barat![image]( Aceh kmbali dilanda gempa, semoga tidak terjadi apa apa. Tepatnya kemarin 8/2/2018 pada waktu 16:25:48 WIB.aguzsrz (30)in #aceh • 7 years agoPiton 7 meter ditemukan di ACEHPiton 7 meter ditemukan di Aceh. ACEH UTARA - Anggota TNI Brigif 25/Siwah, Aceh Utara, bersama warga mengamankan ular piton ukuran 7 meter. Ular tersebut ditemukan saat memangsa…aguzsrz (30)in #pecinta • 7 years agoTakengon, AcehAir terjun yang jarang di kunjugi tapi begitu indah dan sejuk. Sangat cocok bagi wisata pecinta alam.