There has been a public outcry regarding the poor standard of education. The falling standard of education should be blamed on government's policy of wholesale promotion. A recent research shows that government should indeed be blamed for the policy due to the following reasons, which view some teachers in Senior High Schools also share. Those who hold this school of thought for the abolishing of the wholesale promotion policy believe that;
(a) Some students take this opportunity to dodge classes.
(b) It makes students lazy and there is no competition in the academic work.
(c) It does not motivate students to learn hard and may lead to poor academic performance
Many technological advancement that are capable of changing the future has been brought to limelight by the leap network . Revolutionized educational tools are now readily available to modern instructors and educators which has deepened the connection and retention of knowledge by identifying each student limitations and strength.
- Many students do not engage in active learning activities even though most of them have little or no easy access to educational material via smart devices backed up with technology.
- Most of the students are left behind coupled with their daily struggling in other to meet up with the rudiments of education with their different learning
abilities (such as dyslexia) which hinders higher levelskills, thinking, retention, organization, time constraints and engagement. Despite having limitless access to tools within the classroom, instructors do not have the time or effective resources to personalize their struggles. - There's lack of adequate security measures for the protection of the students and teachers information and data in the system thereby leading to the frequent loss of data through hacking and spoofing by intruders.
- Cultivation of unique abilities by
investing in improvised technology in order to create personalized education plans for students
experiencing common struggles, such as dyslexia,has shown to increase the entire participation and their understanding. The AliceSuite will provides a variety of instruments for teachers to create lesson plans which reflect a multi-sensory/multimodal approach towards digesting the teachings and retaining knowledge. Educators will then have the authority to check out what method of teachings suits their students perfectly and enhance the abilities in order to help the students towards their maximize their potentials. - Leap With Alice will ensure the availability of a software called Augmented Reality (AR), that will help the students to be more active and engaged during classes and assist instructors to have unlimited access to teaching and learning aids which they need in their respective field. This will tremendously boost the total number of students that will be active during a class and participate effectively.
- Invention of Alicesuite by Leap With Alice which will also create an enabling environment for all students, students with special abilities such as dyslexia are not exempted. Alicesuite will also helps to create a lesson plan that is students centered and therefore bring out their unusual talent in them.
4.Leap With Alice will use Machine Learning to crosscheck all submitted contents and information to check for it's actual originality in order to reduce drastically plagiarism happening in the world today. It will also build Educational Board that will give last authentication of contents submitted and helps to uphold standard and moral within the platform. - They will be adequate security measures for the information and data of both the student and teachers to avoid loss of information.
Leap With Alice PRODUCTS
- AliceLabs™ : All things begins with AliceLabs. Educators
are given the chance to get free tools that will enable the development of educational content which has been
furnished by the increasing reality. Alice Labs provides model and documents on how to design effective and correct content, fast and free. - Alicelens: will assist to identify the objective for the work in the lab. It will portray all the contents which has been created either in 3D images, videos or pictures.
- AliceExchange: it provides market place for educators to transact, trade and exchange ALICE to fiat.
- AliceClassroom: this will helps both the teachers and students to monitor their educational journey.
The user interface will also portary the basics of profile information which include their reputation level, transaction history, and available balances.
LeapWithAlice has a dual token model which are:
- The LWA Security Token: it is built on the ethereum blockchain and specifically designed to represent tokenized equity, whereby the ownership grants the anticipation of future profits in the form of dividends, revenue share and/or price appreciation. Any distribution of the LWA Token will not occur until complete and Final regulatory compliance has been cleared.
- The ALICE Utility Token is also an ERC-20 token that will serve as the local currency on the AliceExchange, hence providing users with a huge percentage of sales vs. fiat, while double acting as an incentive for the development of the content. The ALICE token will be generated and distributed when the AliceExchange launches.
Leap With Alice will focus on the utilization of emerging
technologies to bring out a revolution in the outdated education system.
"Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school."
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This article was created in exchange for a potential token reward through Bounty0x
Author’s username
Bountyox username: Aflozy25