PostsCommentsPayoutsadinapoli (67)in PhotoFeed • 5 months agoUna edicola votiva [PhotoFeed]A little altar [en/ita] PhotoFeed Contest - Black & White Photography (Round 88) EN On the walls of some streets there are sacred images in front of which devotees stop to pray. ITA Sui muri di alcuneadinapoli (67)in PhotoFeed • 5 months agoUn volto tra la gente [PhotoFeed]A face among the people [en/ita] PhotoFeed Contest - Portrait Photography [Round 88] EN At the Fair I photographed a kind lady who worked at the sandwich stand. ITA Alla Fiera ho fotografato una gentileadinapoli (67)in PhotoFeed • 5 months agoUno sguardo torvo [PhotoFeed]A scowling look [en/ita] PhotoFeed Contest - Street-Photography [Round 88] EN Girls often look askance at photographers, musicians, strangers and street artists. ITA Le ragazze osservano spesso con diffidenzaadinapoli (67)in PhotoFeed • 5 months agoImitazioni [PhotoFeed]Not really oriental [en/ita] PhotoFeed Contest - Black & White Photography (Round 87) EN In some European countries, you can find statues made by artists imitating oriental monuments. ITA In alcuniadinapoli (67)in PhotoFeed • 5 months agoLo spuntino [PhotoFeed]Snack time [en/ita] PhotoFeed Contest - Portrait Photography (Round 87) EN During a festival or a street celebration, a young man offered small appetizers and gastronomic specialties to the participants.adinapoli (67)in PhotoFeed • 5 months agoPaesaggio con scarpe [photofeed]Landscape and shoes [en/ita] EN From a panoramic point I could observe the sky, a village and the surrounding mountains, but also… my shoes. ITA Da un luogo panoramico ho potuto osservare il cielo, unadinapoli (67)in PhotoFeed • 5 months agoUn salottino in strada [PhotoFeed]A “living room” on the street [en/ita] PhotoFeed Contest - Street-Photography [Round 87] EN Some people consider the street a space in their home. ITA Alcune persone considerano la strada una stanza dellaadinapoli (67)in PhotoFeed • 5 months agoFermo come una statua [PhotoFeed]Inert like a statue [en/ita] PhotoFeed Contest - Black & White Photography (Round 86) EN The statues do not make any movements to collaborate with the photographers. ITA Le statue non si muovono maiadinapoli (67)in PhotoFeed • 6 months agoDisinvoltura [PhotoFeed]Spontaneity [en/ita] PhotoFeed Contest - Portrait Photography Round 86 EN A spontaneous attitude and a casual expression are the indispensable characteristics of a good actor. ITA Un atteggiamento spontaneoadinapoli (67)in PhotoFeed • 6 months agoUn chiosco per strada [PhotoFeed]A kiosk in the street [en/ita] PhotoFeed Contest - Street-Photography [Round 86] EN A fisherman was waiting for someone in front of a kiosk. ITA Un pescatore aspettava qualcuno di fronte ad un chiosco.adinapoli (67)in PhotoFeed • 6 months agoTramonto con volatile [photofeed]Sunset with a bird [en/ita] EN A lone bird flies across the sky of a sunset landscape. ITA Un uccello solitario vola nel cielo di un paesaggio al tramonto. PhotoFeed Contest - Landscape Photography (Roundadinapoli (67)in PhotoFeed • 6 months agoPunto d’osservazione [PhotoFeed]Observation point [en/ita] PhotoFeed Contest - Black & White Photography (Round 85) EN Seagulls often perch on roofs, towers or eaves of buildings. ITA I gabbiani sostano spesso sui tetti, sulle torriadinapoli (67)in PhotoFeed • 6 months agoDonna anziana b.n. [PhotoFeed]Elderly Woman B&W [en/ita] PhotoFeed Contest - Black & White Photography (Round 84) EN Some streets are too narrow and steep for an elderly lady walking alone. ITA Alcune strade sono troppo stretteadinapoli (67)in PhotoFeed • 6 months agoUn pittore per strada [PhotoFeed]A painter on the street [en/ita] PhotoFeed Contest - Street-Photography [Round 85] EN - Text and photos by @adinapoli My proposal to participate in The photo belong to the author. ITA - Testo e fotografieadinapoli (67)in PhotoFeed • 6 months agoUn casolare nei campi [photofeed]A farmhouse [en/ita] EN In the middle of the fields there are small buildings intended for farmers. ITA In mezzo ai campi si trovano piccole costruzioni destinate agli agricoltori. PhotoFeed Contest -adinapoli (67)in PhotoFeed • 6 months agoVenditore coi baffi [PhotoFeed]A seller with moustache [en/ita] PhotoFeed Contest - Portrait Photography Round 84 EN Behind a market counter the snails seller waits for customers. Someone likes to eat escargot. ITA Dietro un banconeadinapoli (67)memberin Shadow Hunters • 6 months agoL’ombra della panchina [SMASh]The shadow of a bench [en/ita] EN Benches can be made of stone, metal, wood or even cast iron and are usually placed on busy avenues or in scenic spots. Benches are used to sit and rest, but, sometimes,adinapoli (67)in PhotoFeed • 6 months agoPaesaggio con castello [photofeed]Window and castle [en/ita] EN From the windows of certain buildings you can admire magnificent views. ITA Dalle finestre di certi edifici si possono ammirare magnifici panorami. PhotoFeed Contest - Landscapeadinapoli (67)in PhotoFeed • 6 months agoPersone che vanno a piedi [PhotoFeed]Men walking by foot [en/ita] PhotoFeed Contest - Street-Photography [Round 84] EN I don't know where they were going, but they were all walking. ITA Non so dove stessero andando, ma camminavano tutti aadinapoli (67)in PhotoFeed • 6 months agoL’ora del tè [PhotoFeed]Tea time [en/ita] PhotoFeed Contest - Portrait Photography Round 83 EN Once upon a time, there was a polite lady sitting at the table of the café waiting for a cup of tea. Maybe she is still waiting there.