7 day positivity challenge day 1

in #7daypositivitychallenge6 years ago (edited)

Gratitude - Day 1

@Mariannedewest nominated me to start with bringing positive vibes to Steemit.

I have so much in my life to be grateful for that I can only start at the first thing I am grateful for and that will look like a joke, and has not really got anything to do with my self but I am grateful for the rain.

Of course, rain is to be grateful for because it let our gardens grow, the soil needs a good drop of water, and how can we not be grateful when a part of the world has got no water at all? No I am point blanc very grateful for the rain.
But my personal story of thankful for rain is because I most probably would not have existed when it would not have been raining. :-)
My mum a girl from 1930 born in a small little village in Zealand went to study for nurse in the big city of Rotterdam in the beginning of her twenties.

She shared a room with her study friend who I still call Aunt Magda :-) But anyway this girl coming from a little village liked the big city a lot and she was pretty, she could choose with who she wanted to date, and one day she had a date with a nice boy who would come and pick her up at the school, but when she came out it was raining so hard that she did not want to get out, and he stood there waiting on her on his pushbike. On the moment he saw here and stuck his hand up to say high , a little Volkswagen came on the parking within it a boy she met that last weekend, surprised she went to his window to hear what he had to say, and he said I liked you and would like to ask if you do not want to go out with me... but my mum had a date with the guy on the pushbike. She went to the bike boy and lied to him, she said I am so sorry but family of Zealand arrived without me knowing I can not come with you :-o And so she stepped in the car next to him who would be my dad. After writing I do not know If I am grateful for the rain or her choice to lie? But I had such a good nest that if it is the rain or the lie I am grateful for that moment.
My mum and dad stayed together for 35 years death did part them because my dad died. She never looked or wanted an other man in her life.
Here they were married for 30 years I think

**I would like to nominate
***@rebecaryan Because I am sure she is for a lot of things.
@futuremind Because he had so much going that being gratefule would become dificult but he still is.
@erikah such a positive spirit that must have loads of gratefulness


Immediately caught up as I always had a love for rain as a child. Such a lovely story of your parents, thank you for sharing. I know it is not part of the story, but I wonder what ever became of the man on the pushbike that was trying to court your mother. I hope he wised up and got a car.

It was 1955 not so many cars around. :-) But the same question came up with me ! And then I thought what about some woman or man reads this and thinks Would it be the nasty girl who led my father stand in the rain hahaha and count her blessings that he courted her mum after ? :-) Thanks for your reply!

And then I thought what about some woman or man reads this and thinks Would it be the nasty girl who led my father stand in the rain hahaha

Thanks for the laugh, that's funny.

It's wonderful that you know the story of how you came to be. It just goes to show how something as small as a single rainfall can change the hands of fate.

Thank you for sharing this beautiful story, and thank you for nominating me. I know what I am grateful for, but I am going to hold off writing it for a day or two and brainstorm how I will put it into words. I have to get into my writing mode. I have been a bit off lately.

Ps. The rain audio was very relaxing to listen to while reading. I think that was the perfect addition to this story!

Great job @janine-ariane

That's a beautiful story @janine-ariane! You can see in the photo how much your Mother and Father loved each other.

Oh yes they did :-) I am a very lucky girl to see this example. Thank you so much for your reply and appreciation! (((xxx)))