For quite some time now, my attention has increased towards this design as before. Basically, I have received a few works, so I am working on them a little more. Basically, I have been working on this design for the past two days. No, this design is not made for anyone. Basically, I made it for my practice. Because I have been quite far from this 3D work for the past few months. So, if you do not prepare for it, you cannot expect good results.
There are many small things to do in doing this kind of work that have a big impact on this kind of work. You do not forget about 3D design work easily. But the problem is when those small settings give you a lot of hassle while rendering.
And I have been understanding them quite well in the past few days because the things that I knew very well before, I understood them, now after many attempts, I can only get good results once, which is much less than my expectations. Talking about this design, it is a three-story house design. Which I have only made the exterior design. I took the idea of the design from here Design Source . Here only the part of the estate is seen. Also I have made the interior planning like I have made a separate floor plan for each floor. And I have done the total design within 2650 sq ft.
For the exterior render, I have only made these two side parts which I have done with V-Ray software and rendered with Sketchup. After that I had to edit it again with Photoshop. However, the result of the effort is never bad. Ash's next jobs will be much better than this. Thank you.