Day 41 #365grateful

in #365grateful6 years ago

Hey everyone!
I just reached my Day 41 now. And I can really feel the difference of today and before I started this #365 Grateful Project.

Before this, I always got caught up with things happening in my life that sometimes I forget to take some time to give thanks for everything I have now. I mean, I do feel thankful most of the times, it's just that I forget to take a deep breath and just slow down. I was too caught up in striving to perform well in my work and earning money that it left me exhausted each day.

And I miss the feeling of tranquility. People will always come up with excuses like "I don't have time for myself", "I've got so many things to do", "there's just so many things to do", "I'm busy earning money for my family" and so on. We are always caught up in the rat race that we neglect our peace of minds.

And I was too. The moment that I decided to start my journey in this 365 Grateful Project is really life changing! No matter how hectic my day is, at the end of the day, I will always put everything down and start writing my 365 journal here. It gives me that one moment of tranquility to take a deep breath and be grateful! Just be grateful of the things that I have now, the things that I used to wish i had.

I remember back praying and wishing for the things I had now. Earning money on my own and a complete happy family. Now that I had everything I wanted, I can't help but smile and saying thank you for what I have now.

I took a great shot today♡ I didn't do much today, just driving here and there running errands for my family. And here I stopped to look at the beautiful view before my eyes

Take a moment and look around you. Forget about your bad day. Forget about the people who do you wrong. Forget about the rude driver on the road today. Forget about the money in your bank. Forget about your boss.
And just take a deep breath. Look back how far you have come. And just smile.