Virginia City, Montana - Jan 4 - 2021

in #365daysofhive4 years ago

A trip to Virginia City Montana summer 2020

I had to the pleasure of visiting an old western town in Montana last year with my loved ones. Had a pretty good time, especially since the tourists weren't really around. Probably not a great thing for this little place but definitely good for us!

Virgina City is an old mining town situated in southwestern Montana about 20 minutes south of Twin Bridges. I remember learning about this place during Montana history class back in the day. There was a point in this towns life that 100,000 people occupied its hills and valleys, which, if you saw the place is really hard to believe. There's one main road and a few dirt roads leading off of it. Enjoy the photos!

This is the main drag in VC and Cousins Candy Shop is a must see! They have all sorts of different hand made candies and has been a fixture here for a very long time.


Rank's Drug Store is right next to this one horse towns Post office and was established in 1864 right at the beginning the boom!


Sadly, I can't remember the name of this place but it was a cool little shop that actually had candy cigarettes, something I haven't seen since my childhood!




This is the Vigilante HQ and before VC had a sheriff the vigilantes ruled the town. Their memory is still kept alive by the state troopers in Montana. On their sleeves they wear a patch which reads 7-7-7 which was the Vigilantes motto. It's rumored that it symbolizes the dimensions of a grave, one that they'd happily put claim jumpers in back in the day



Pictured above is the old fire department. Can you imagine having to pull a buggy to put out a fire?





Boot Hill is Virginia City's famous Cemetery. Many of the hangings of thieves and claim jumpers took place here. When we think of the wild west this is definitely something to remember. If you screwed up back then the Vigilantes had no problem taking care of you.






Above are the graves of Virginia City's most infamous criminals. I'm not 100 percent sure but I do know people in Montana have respect so I wouldn't be surprised if those were actually Franks boots.

Hope you enjoyed this little journey through Virginia City!


Previous 365 Days of Hive posts:

Day Three - The Cryptocurrency Generation Meetup summary - GeoCoin
Day Two - Advertising Proposal #149 - Thank You
Day One - Happy New Year, 2021


Keep on posting, every day!

I've also been posting on Hashkings to keep up with #365daysofhive but yesterday was the first day I've missed on both accounts. Just writing a post on the @qwoyn account now. :)

Thanks for keeping me motivated!