A Wonderful Weekend Ends - Day 2

in #365daysofhive4 years ago

What a blessing!

Before beginning I want to apologize for not posting yesterday. I was so tired by the time our day ended that I could not muster up the energy to do so.

Yesterday at our beautiful cabin at MT Hood started with a breakfast made with love. We had two quiche's, bacon, cinnamon roles, grapes, plenty of orange juice, cranberry juice and of course coffee. We sat around and enjoyed each others company afterwards and felt blessed to have each other. My wife and I don't have children and are hundreds of miles away from family whom we rarely see so to have our close friends with us to enjoy breakfast in the way we did really made us feel at home again.


After finishing up our morning chat we all got ready for the day and enjoyed the hot tub for a little while. Once we got a nice soak in it was time to get our adventure started. As I usually do during the morning I got caught up on current events and spent time reading some posts on different social media platforms. One post I read mentioned geocaching app call Coin Hunt World which awards users with Bitcoin or Ethereum for participating. Since we were getting ready to adventure and I'm a sucker for anything crypto I promptly downloaded the app and got signed up. The sign up process was a bit difficult but with a bit of persistence I was able to get it to work and saw that there were some vaults near us.



The others weren't really interested in the prospect of earning crypto but humored me regardless and we went on the hunt. Our first location brought us to the end of the parking lot at Ski Bowl, coincidently a place we would find ourselves later in the day, and I was able to redeem 0.0001 Ethereum!

After finding this location we had to continue wandering in to Government Camp to find the next vault. This one was located right outside of the cool little post office they have in this mountain village. This time I earned a small amount of Bitcoin, some resin and some paint. I am unsure what the paint and resin are for but regardless now I have some in my inventory.


After going on our little scavenger hunt we made our way to the Govy General Store, their local market, browsed the souvenirs and picked up a little bit of the local brew.




We then kept walking down to the end of town to see what was going on and found ourselves at a public house. The sign outside said they had hot buttered rum but the line was so long that we decided not get any considering we had hot cider with rum back at the cabin. After our little walk and treasure hunt we made our way back to the cabin and had some snacks before our tubing experience.

Tubing at Ski Bowl

If you have ever been sledding you will already know how much fun we were about to have but instead of sleds we were supplied with innertubes to slide down the mountain with. After getting eating snacks and drinking cider we got ready and made our way back to the spot previously mentioned, the parking lot of ski bowl just down the road from where I found my first vault.


We checked in and received our lift tickets and started over to the innertubes. For a moment we stopped short to make sure everyone was with us but we were missing one of our group. I looked over and there he was already making his way up the magic carpet to the top of the hill with a tube. It was his first time there and he was so excited he ran off to get started without us! We all got a pretty good kick out of that and joined him at hurried to join him at the top.




What an absolute blast that was! I even came in first out everyone a couple of times during races and made down and back up the other side no problem. These tubes were so fast and I made a short video for you to see how much fun it was below.




Dinner Time

After spending a couple of hours at the hill we made our way back to the cabin and I started making dinner while the others got back in the hot tub for another soak. I made caesar salad and 2 lasagnas(pre-made from costco) which took about an hour. We had a few beers and drinks during and after dinner, played a few rounds of Catch Phrase then relaxed in front of the TV to watch Frozen. This Frozen movie is probably not the one everyone knows well. This one is a cheesy b-rated film about three skiers who get stuck on the chair lift after bribing a lifty to let them on after hours. Not the best movie I've ever seen, not even close, but the theme fit well and we all had a pretty good laugh. After the movie we sat around and chatted for a while longer and waited for the Saturday Night Lights Firework display which never happened. Sadly, we were under the impression it happened every Saturday but they only happen certain weekend. We didn't care too much and started winding down for the night.





The next morning we got up around 8am again and had breakfast. Once again, lots of eggs and bacon, cinnamon roles, coffee and juice were on the menu. After eating, we got ready, packed up our things and cleaned up the cabin a bit. None of us wanted to go back to the city but unfortunately our time had expired and it was time to depart so I signed the log book and locked up.

I can't express enough how much this trip meant to me. It was everything we could have hoped for and much more.

We will miss you Moosehead Cabin!


Thank you so much for reading. If you and your family or someone you know are planning a trip to MT Hood be sure to check out Government Camp, it's a cute little mountain town well worth the visit!


@hivetrending forgot to mention you and didn't have the energy to post last night but here you go the 2nd day :)

Right on man! I missed the VR meeting again. Are the recordings posted somewhere?

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It's not an issue at all! Sadly, I haven't been recording them but need to get my shit together on that.

Wow so beautiful place 🤩🤩😍