A New Year Has Dawned...

in #20187 years ago

Greetings and salutations.
Like the first wakening moments after a really bad fever dream the tumultuous year that was 2017 has finally ebbed away! And what better way to start a new year than to finally embrace a new year resolution and start writing more.
To be honest with you I am not entirely sure what direction this blog may take - after all, I am a being of many interests and many moods. It is not always easy trying to find one particular voice, topic or tone in which to publicly market oneself. Knowing myself, however, this blog would probably tackle quite a few topics.
I would be honored and delighted to have you navigate the new year with me.
Buckle up... I am sure 2018 is going to one heck of a ride.



You won't be the first or the last person of not knowing what direction to go in. I am still, trying to find my own niche and where to fit in. Overall though, I am a mish-mash girl..so I do what spoke to me at the moment I want to do it.

Welcome to SteemIt with warm greeting, and Happy New Year to you!

I guess life is a continuous journey of self-discovery and self-actualization. Thank you so much.